Entries by Steve Jackson

Infonetics: Hosted UC Market Growth Strong

UC is Unified Communications, a category QoStar’s private networking roughly falls under. According to Infonetics, the market continues to boom with a strong enough growth pattern to once again prove total eventual migration is a solid possibility. Although their report is more of a marketing analysis, our interpretation leans more towards predicting what businesses are […]

Halls Walk-In Medical Center

When the clinic opened 10 years ago, a local telecom company advised us on what they thought we needed to fulfill our communications needs. We ended up with a clunky one-size-fits-all non-customizable hosted PBX system and several “lines” from the phone company, oddly, one line for each phone in the building. They were billing the […]

GAO Gives FCC Grief Over Carrier Monitoring for USF

Although the US General Accountability Office “report” titled “FCC Should Improve the Accountability and Transparency of High-Cost Program Funding” lacked any specific penalties, as is the usual, for tightening up the FCC’s monitoring of use of “High Cost Funds”, traditionally known as the Universal Service Fund or USF, it did make recommendations that the FCC heed earlier GAO […]

The Tide Has Clearly Turned

The following quote from “Infonetics forecasts VoIP and unified communications services to grow to $88 billion market by 2018” makes it even more clear the trend is away from traditional phone services. Although the subject of their research, unified communications, is a simpler subset of QoStar’s private stream-routing networks, the trend towards modernizing is no less […]

QoStar Relaunches It’s Most Beloved Brand

This week, InterQoS Online, Inc., has executed the relaunch of long-time brand “QoStar”. The move is intended to consolidate several services under a single banner and provide both existing and prospective customers better access to our services, industry perspectives, and company news. The updating of the QoStar brand was prompted by our commitment to customer […]